Monday, November 18, 2013

Super Bread!

Scientist from the University of Alberta have discovered a way to replace artificial preservatives in bread and even possibly making it last longer than usual. Professor Michael Ganzle and a few other researchers were able to isolate natural compounds used to maintain a loaf of bread freshness while still keeping the same flavor as if it was just made. Preservatives are used to keep bread and other products fresh for long periods of time they also can alter the flavor of food; the compounds that were isolated can be found in fermented foods and are able to keep them fresh for a longer duration just like the usual preservatives we use. The compounds discovered also may have the potential to be used in or even as fungicides which are used on crop seeds.


University of Alberta. "Scientist bake a better loaf of bread." ScienceDaily, 25 Feb. 2013. Web. 18 Nov, 2013.

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