Monday, November 4, 2013

Microbes and New York City's subway system.

If you so happen to be out and about touring the streets of "The city that never sleeps" you should probably take caution when using the city's underground subway system. Scientist have discovered that the microbial diversity and population in the underground subway system is almost identical as it is above in the actual streets of New York. What does this mean for the majority of the New York population that use the subway to commute back and forth to work everyday? They could possibly be inhaling many of these different microbes some potentially being harmful to the body. Research towards this study has been funded in order to understand the complex microbial ecosystem within the subway system in New York City and how they may affect the human population living in this area and also the environment.

American Society for Microbiology (2013, April 24). The microbes you inhale on the New York City subway. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 4, 2013, from­/releases/2013/04/130424185234.htm 

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