Monday, September 20, 2021

Silver Shows to Assist Antibiotic in the Treatment of Infect Burn Wounds

By: Samantha Johnson

Stages of healing from mice in the study. Photo from Khalil, M. A., et al. 2021. 

This study researched the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles, Ag-NPs, combined with the different antibiotics to treat burn wounds infected with the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Burn wound infections have a high mortality so they are a constant concern in patients that suffer from burn wounds. Many of the bacteria species, such as the P. aeruginosa, exhibit high levels of antibiotic resistance. Silver ions have been used to treat skin infections in the past but they had not previously been used in combination with neomycin. In most of the samples, the treatment of antibiotics combined with Ag-NPs showed healing. The photo above shows G6 which is the healing after the topical application of neomycin and Ag-NPs gel. G7 is healing after the topical application of neomycin and Ag-NPs spray. The other pictures are without the combination. Based off the results in this study the topical application of an antibiotic-nanoparticle spray does assist in healing burn wound infections. More research needs to be done in this field and more research needs to be done to see how nanoparticles can be used to treat other bacterial infections.

Original Article:

Khalil, M. A., El Maghraby, G. M., Sonbol, F. I., Allam, N. G., Ateya, P. S., and Ali, S.S. (2021) Enhanced efficacy of some antibiotics in presence of silver nanoparticles against multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa recovered from burn wound infections. Front. Microbiol. 12:648560. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.648560 

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