Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Yenisei River and its Radioactive Particles

By: Mariel Morales

Figure 1. Map of the locatio where the Mining-and-Chemical Combine (MCC) radiochemical plant is located in proximity to the Yenisei River. This shows how the plant has easy access to the river in regards to spilling chemical wastes.  Figure taken from Bolsunovsky et al. 2017

Whether it is near the plains, grasslands, or a body of water, radiochemical plants can reside in any area and contaminate whatever it reaches. A study conducted by Bolsunovsky and colleagues found that there was fuel contamination present in the Yenisei River. This contamination was in the form of radioactive particles such as, Cesium, Plutonium, and Europium. These particles where created from the Mining-and-Chemical Combine radiochemical plant (MCC). Amazingly, there has been no other Europium particles found anywhere in the world. After the data was carefully characterized, the researchers later found out that the corrosion of the reactor’s cooling system and damaged compensating rods caused the contamination. They also discovered that the ingestion, inhalation, and direct skin contact of the particles cause direct effects to the organism which received surface contamination. Weathering by the radionuclides being transferred by the ecosystem causes long term effects.Without these types of studies, there will always be misconceptions in regards to the information that is presented to the public. The importance of understanding the data that was collected and how these radioactive particles can have negative environmental effects is imperative.

Bolsunovsky A, Melgunov M, Chugevskii A, Lind OC, and Salbu B (2017). Unique diversity of radioactive particles found in the Yenise River floodplain. Nature 7: 1-10.

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