Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Surviving the Imposible

By: Lluvia Murillo

One of the driest and harshest environments on planet earth is the Atacama Desert, where almost no life can be seen with the naked eye. Endolithic cyanobacteria (rock-inhabiting bacteria) makes life possible with the help of a group of biomolecules called carotenoids. To be able to survive where others cannot, cyanobacteria adapted carotenoid in their structure. Carotenoid brings cyanobacteria photo-protection and heat dissipation so they can neutralize the strong sun rays that are present in a day-to-day basis in this dessert. Cyanobacteria with carotenoid can be observed in two different colors, green and red. The color green can be appreciated at the surface of the rock, and the with the help of a confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) bacteria can be detected with a fluorescent red color. Currently it is in doubt on of how cyanobacteria made the adaptation of carotenoid, testing will keep going until having results. By knowing that cyanobacteria made this change in its structure in order to survive, other microorganisms will be able to develop adaptations that will help them survive and maybe in the future it will lead to wider diversity in the driest place on earth.

Photo credit:

 VĂ­tek P, Ascaso C, Artieda O, Casero MC, Wierzchos J. (2017). Discovery of carotenoid red-shift in endolithic cyanobacteria from the Atacama Desert. Scientific Reports 7. e-pub ahead of print, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11581-7.

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