Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Is tapwater as potable as we think?

by: Carlos A. Resendiz

Bottled water was not as common as young generations think it is. Going back some years, people habituate to use tap water in many common ways we use now a day, such as drinking. In a recent study performed over four years in New Orleans, conditions and microbial activity were tested and observed in source and tap water. Samples of water were collected from the source (Mississippi river), and the final destination (tap water). Water comes from Mississippi river, then its settle and disinfected with chlorination, then filtered, and finally distributed. In this case, the two treatment plants had the same process. Scientist observed that disinfection step has the most impact in microbes, but the purest phase is after the filtration step. Amazing founding, is seen in the tapwater samples. After being purified, genus Mycobacterium spp. and Legionella spp., bacteria were found in the samples. Scientist argue that premise plumbing is causing the appearance of bacteria in samples. It is known bacteria is everywhere, but actions must be taken in order to reduce or prevent more contamination. This causes no major impact in human health, but it should be stopped from reaching high risk levels.  
Process of water from source to tap and sampling stages. Retrieved from Hull et al., 2017

Original article:
Hull NM, Holinger EP, Ross KA, et al. Longitudinal and source-to-Tap new orleans, lA, u.S.A. drinking water microbiology. Environmental science & technology. 2017;51(8):4220-4229. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b06064

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