Monday, November 4, 2013

Groundwater well contamination

By: Bianca Rojas

In the US, around 114 million people depend on groundwater resources for human consumption. It is known that treated groundwater is safer than both surface water and groundwater under the influence of surface water (Wallender et. al. 2013). Untreated groundwater can be a potential threat to human health as a single pathogen can contaminate the whole distribution. The EPA regulates many of the community water systems, private well on the other hand have no regulations and can cause outbreaks if contaminated water is not treated properly.   A simple chlorination and/or filtration system installation in a private water well can dramatically reduce the chances of health threats due to contaminated groundwater.  


 Table from Wallender et. al.(2013) Etiology break down for groundwater outbreaks.

Original Article:
Wallender, E. K., Ailes, E. C., Yoder, J. S., Roberts, V. A. and Brunkard, J. M. (2013), Contributing Factors to Disease Outbreaks Associated with Untreated Groundwater. Ground Water. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12121

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