Monday, November 4, 2013

Beware of your fruits and veggies

Fruits and vegetables can house a large number a diverse bacteria. In this study, they assess bacterial communities on surfaces of eleven store bought fruits and vegetable using 16 S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. They found that the fruits and vegetables had a diversity of bacteria. Some of the produce differed from the rest in that it had an abundance of Enterobacteriaceae, such as spinach, lettuce, tomato, and strawberries. Some strains of Enterobacteriacea are pathogenic. We, as consumers, are exposed to these bacteria that are capable of causing infection. More care should be taken when disinfecting our fruits and vegetables at home. 

Abundance of bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. The produce is characterized as conventional and organic, all of which were store bought. 

Original Article: Leff JW, Fierer N. (2013) Bacterial communities associated with the surfaces of fresh fruits and vegetables. PLoS ONE 8(3): 1-9.

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