Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Global Warming Could have Effects on Underwater Plants and its Microbes

 By. Sangwon Sloman-Moll

Figure. Significant variations of bacterial genera at the surface of seaweed collected from combination of low, ambient, and high temperature and irradiance taken from the article Beniot et al. 2021. 


When we think about climate change, we think about the changes that we can see on the territorial environment. However, the changes are also happening in the underwater environment. The article shows synergistic effects of temperature and light on seaweed and its epibacterial community. The research team took Taonia atomaria, a seaweed speice to check the global warming effects on the underwater plants and its microbes. The experiment was designed to check the synergistic effect of temperature and irradiance on the seaweed microbes for 14 days. As we can see in the figure, the middle part with ambient temperature and irradiance has the most microbes.
The microbes’ environment provides protection, growth benefits for, and other essential functions of the plant. When the temperature and irradiance gets high the microbes' environment would not be able to stay with seaweed, the result of that would eventually kill the seaweed. Based on the research article, global warming with higher temperature and high irradiation would provide an immoblie environment for microbes on underwater plants. The plants would not survive without the microbes. The microbiome is not visible in our eyes, but it has significant functions on plants and animals; therefore, we have to look over the changes in microbiome from global warming.

Original article:

Paix, B., Potin, P., Schires, G., Le, P. C., Misson, B., Leblanc, C., Culioli, G., & Briand, J. F. (2021). Synergistic effects of temperature and light affect the relationship between taonia atomaria and its epibacterial community: a controlled conditions study. Environmental Microbiology, 2021 Sep 07. https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15758

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