Monday, September 20, 2021

Effects of soil PH, and bacterial communities with alterations of agriculture intensifications


A. The figure shows the relationships between the SES.MNTD or the betaNTI of soil bacterial communities, as well as the soil pH level. B. The boxplot shown is the betaNTI distribution across the categories of the soil pH levels. C. Relationship between the betaNTI and soil pH of all samples combine. D. Relationship between the betaNTI and soil pH between two samples. (red lines show the 95% confidence intervals). CF: open field with main crops, VF:open field with vegetables, VG: greenhouse with vegetables. Figure taken from Zhou et al. 2021

Agricultural intensification is cause by numerous factors, one of the main reasons is the agriculture that is planted in the soil. With this alteration, the soil PH level, moisture, carbon content and nutrients are effected. This research will concentrate on the effectiveness of agricultural intensification with the spatial turnover rate of soil bacterial communities, and if the soil acidification will be a factor that could regulate the process of soil bacterial communities in regards to agriculture intensification. This study uses 32 sites based off three different fields. Field one is an open field with main crops, field tow is an open field with vegetables, and field three is a greenhouse with vegetables. Results showed that field two, and field three had a lower PH level compared to field one. Bacteria communities were also observed, these bacteria's included the alfa and Beta diversities. Results showed that the beta diversity was shown throughout all the samples. The soil pH level negatively corresponded with the bacterial communities that were present. Agriculture intensification affects the diversity and the production of soil bacterial communities and how it responds to the agriculture intensification. 


Xingang Zhou, Muhammad Khashi u Rahman, Junjie Liu and Fengzhi (2021). Soil acidification mediates changes in soil bacterial community assembly processes in response to agricultural intensification. Environmental Microbiology. 23(8):4741-4755

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