Friday, September 20, 2019

Metal Swims!

While some people don't think about where the waste of many things are dumped, many don't pay attention until it is too late. It can have an effect on ourselves, and the environment around us. As they continue to dump things into the water, whether they take in to the consideration the contamination they may cause or not. Some lakes have been showing results of contamination in some fishes that are common in those lakes. The fishes tissues were examined in order to find the results. The lakes in which this research was done are located in Canada. The fish were found to have higher concentrations of metal in their tissues, and while the metal concentrations dropped from 2004 to 2005, they still resulted in high concentration levels. Overall, it shows how much contamination there is, and how well we need to conserve the environment around us. We can plan a safe way of properly storing the waste we have.
Figure 1.  Inter-annual differences in PC and diet metal concentrations between 2004 and 2005.
Gauthier C􏰂, Campbell P. G. C., Couture P., (2009) Condition and pyloric caeca as indicators of food web effects in fish living in metal-contaminated lakes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72 2066-2074. (2009).

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