Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hitchhiking proves to be dangerous.

By Maria G Gallegos

Bacteria able to hitchhike a ride on a protozoan was just too interesting an article to pass by.  Listeria monocytogenes and different bacterial strains were microscopically studied and some were observed forming a backpack on the surface of AcanthamoebaResults demonstrated that having a flagella alone is not sufficient they must have motility in order to accumulate on protozoan surface.  

Figure from Doyscher et al. 2013 demonstrating backpacking mode of green fluorescent protein tagged L. monocytogenes on various Acanthamoeba cell surface.

However, in a few hours they are engulfed and dead.  This research clearly shows the likelihood of being afflicted with both pathogens is unlikely due to protozoan slaying its free rider. 

Original Article: Doyscher D, Fieseler L, Dons L, Loessner M, and Schuppler M. (2013). Acanthamoeba feature a unique backpacking strategy to trap and feed on Listeria monocytogenes and other motile bacteria Environ Microbio 15:433–446.

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