Thursday, August 29, 2013

Antimicrobial overuse in aquaculture

by Monica Mendez

Antibiotic resistance in microbes might be increasingly problematic in fish farms.....

Figure from Cabello et al. 2013 showing an increase in antibiotic use (quinolones and fluoroquinolones) for human (white and hatched bars) and veterinary (black and grey bars) medicine over seven years in Chile.

Original Aricle: Cabello FC, Godfry HP, Tomova A, Ivanova L, Dolz H, Millanao A, Buschmann AH. (2013). Antimicrobial use in aquaculture re-examined: its relevance to antimicrobial resistance and to animal and human health. Environ Microbiol 15:1917-1942.

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