Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Obesity? Prebiotics to the RESCUE!

High Fat Diets (HFD) contribute to obesity and type II diabetes by causing changes in the gut microbiota. Metabolic inflammation and insulin resistance are common effects related to these changes. Taking prebiotics, which are carbohydrates that are not digestible by humans, helps increase metabolic rates by becoming food for probiotics, which are good bacteria and yeasts that help your digestive system. Additionally, it has been shown that prebiotic treatment leads to an increase in the expression of intectin, which is an important protein responsible for resisting changes in gut microbiota by killing the cells that line the gut. Therefore, prebiotics can be useful in fighting against changes in the gut microbiota, which reduce the effects associated with obesity.

This figure from Everard et. al (2014) shows that intectin expression was greatly increased in High Fat Diet induced mice that were treated with prebiotics compared to controlled diet mice treated with prebiotics.

Original Article: Everard A, Lazarevic V, Gaia N, Johansson M, Stahlman M, Backhed F, Delzenne NM, Schrenzel J, Francois P, Cani PD. (2014). Microbiome of prebiotic-treated mice reveals novel targets involved in host response during obesity. ISME Journal 8:2116-2130.

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