Wednesday, September 20, 2023

 Portioning of beta-diversity mechanisms of soil and plant communities response to nitrogen fixing

By: Ricardo Gonzalez

The study is to gather information because there is a serious threat of nitrogen decomposition is to the terrestrial biodiversity affecting biodiversity ecosystems. This alone is a great effort to determine whether species turnover and nestedness has on different taxonomic groups such as plants, soil, bacteria and soil fungi, all respond differently to enrichment due to the differences in intrinsic logical and metabolic properties. 

Ultimately the species turnover and nestedness varied in results. It can be determined that fungi, had a low input of nestedness as well as bacteria for this experiment. Plants have an abundant figure in turnover, and nestedness affecting the fungal communities as a result. With this it provides a better understanding of the mechanisms of how driving, biodiversity in a community works with performing different types of experiments and analysis throughout the article and the importance of the community assembly overall.

With this it can, determined that the turnover reflects the replacement of a species between sites and nestedness happens with species loss or growth in a community. Overall, it is still required to do further research in order to evaluate the functional of the B-diversities responding to n enrichment in an environment. The impact of this study will not only promote future studies in different locations and temperature, cultures and environment which still has an abundant of information yet to be discovered.

Original article:

Liu, Weixing et al. “Partitioning of Beta‐diversity Reveals Distinct Assembly Mechanisms of Plant and Soil Microbial Communities in Response to Nitrogen Enrichment.” Ecology and evolution 12.6 (2022): e9016–n/a. Web.

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