Monday, October 25, 2021

Staphylococcus aureus in Enviroment

 By: Miroslava Hernandez

This article is interesting as it mentions the human pathogen called Staphylococcus aureus that is infectious and that can survive in environmental surfaces. There are 17 MSR strains that are clones, the one that is health issue that happens around the world is the EMRSA-15 that was found in the UK but travels so fast that can transmit so quickly.  The study was in Egypt and they did a study in a dental setting with around 1300 swabs from patients and the environment settings, the bacteria that were present was the Staphylococcus with 290 specimens and the aureus with 112.  They were found in the hands, nose, the house surfaces and in the dental clinics, the pathogen staphylococcus can resist the antibiotics with can have mortal effects in the humans. This is important because it more people knew about this pathogen and were educated there would be less spreading, the dentist could implement more cleaning in their areas such as always disinfecting the area, cleaning their tools and always use the properly equipment with every patient. The people would clean more their surfaces with specialized chemicals to get rid of the bacteria. The scientist should informed more about this pathogen so that cleaning should be implemented more worldwide with Covid-19 is already happening but cleaning should be mandatory in all facilities.

Khairalla, A.S., Wasfi, R. & Ashour, H.M. Carriage frequency, phenotypic, and genotypic characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from dental health-care personnel, patients, and environment. Sci Rep 7, 7390 (2017).

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